About Amerisafe Inc - Company Information, Overview, History and Profile
What does Amerisafe Inc do?
AMERISAFE Inc is a specialty provider of workers' compensation insurance focused on small to mid-sized employers engaged in hazardous industries, principally construction, trucking, logging and lumber, agriculture, manufacturing, maritime, and telecommunications. The company generates a majority of its revenue in the form of premiums.
Amerisafe Inc Management structure
All Gross Remunerations are in USD
Ms. G. Janelle Frost
Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
Gross Remuneration
Mr. Henry O. Lestage, IV
Senior Vice President, Claims Operations
Gross Remuneration
Mr. Vincent J. Gagliano
Executive Vice President and Chief Risk Officer
Gross Remuneration
Ms. Kathryn H. Shirley
Executive Vice President, Chief Administrative Officer and Secretary