About Southwest Gas Holdings Inc - Company Information, Overview, History and Profile
What does Southwest Gas Holdings Inc do?
Southwest Gas Holdings Inc is a utility company engaged in the purchasing, distributing, and transporting of natural gas in the American Southwest. The company segments its activities into natural gas distribution and Utility Infrastructure Services units. The first of these encompasses the company's core natural gas business as distributors in the states of Arizona and Nevada. The natural gas distribution division is responsible for roughly half of Southwest Gas' total revenue through the sale of natural gas to mainly residential and small commercial customers. The Utility Infrastructure Services segment generates the other half of the company's total revenue from the underground piping contractor services that its subsidiary, Centuri Construction Group, provides.
Southwest Gas Holdings Inc Management structure
All Gross Remunerations are in USD
Ms. Lori L. Colvin
Vice President, Controller and Chief Accounting Officer of the Company and Southwest Gas Corporation