About Aeva Technologies Inc - Company Information, Overview, History and Profile
What does Aeva Technologies Inc do?
Aeva Technologies Inc through its Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) sensing technology, designs a 4D LiDAR-on-chip that, along with its proprietary software applications, has the potential to enable the adoption of LiDAR across broad applications from automated driving to consumer electronics, consumer health, industrial automation, and security application. The company operates in North America, EMEA, and Asia. The company derives the majority of its revenue from North America.
Aeva Technologies Inc Management structure
All Gross Remunerations are in USD
Mr. Saurabh Sinha
Chief Financial Officer and Principal Accounting Officer
1.78 M
Gross Remuneration
Mr. Mina Rezk
President, Chief Technology Officer and Chairman of the Board