2.4M XNAS Volume
XNAS 28 Mar, 2025 5:30 PM (EDT)
DENTSPLY Sirona Inc Key Metrics
All financials are in USD Million and price data in USD
Low Financial Strength
Mid Valuation
Technically Bearish
Weak Stock
These stocks are the ones with poor quality and weak financial and technical aspects. However, these stocks have a medium valuation score. This indicates that investors should be highly watchful with these stocks.
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23.8% Pass in checklist
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This stock has negative PE
DENTSPLY Sirona Inc Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 14.9 (LTP) 14.915.5 LowHigh |
Week Price Range | 14.9 (LTP) 14.916 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 14.9 (LTP) 14.817.3 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 14.9 (LTP) 14.833.4 LowHigh |
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Revenue forecast
DENTSPLY Sirona Inc's Revenue was higher than average estimate 2 times in past 3 years
EPS forecast
Current EPS
Avg. Estimate
EPS is expected to grow by 114.1% in FY25
Consensus Recommendation
17 ANALYST Recommendations
The consensus recommendation from 17 analysts for DENTSPLY Sirona Inc is HOLD
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See what you get DENTSPLY Sirona Inc Stock Analysis
DENTSPLY Sirona Inc stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
Annual Revenue | $3,793 M | 4.34% | negative |
| |
Annual Net Profit | $910 M | 589.39% | negative |
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Price to Earning Ratio | -3.26 | - | negative |
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Stock Price | $14.93 | -55.18% | negative |
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Quarterly Revenue | $905 M | 10.57% | negative |
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Quarterly Net profit | $430 M | 741.79% | negative |
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Debt to Equity Ratio | 1.17 | - | negative |
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Return on Equity(ROE) | -34.77 % | -34.77% | negative |
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Mutual Fund Holding | 90.32 % | -0.97% | negative |
| |
Promoter Share Holding | 0.37 % | 0.05% | positive |
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Interest Coverage Ratio | -12.57 | - | negative |
| |
Institutional Holding | 101.57 % | 0% | neutral |
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DENTSPLY Sirona Inc - Company Profile
What does DENTSPLY Sirona Inc do?

Dentsply Sirona is one of the world's largest manufacturers of dental equipment and supplies. It is a result of a merger of equals in 2016 between Dentsply International (manufactured dental consumables and lab products) and Sirona Dental Systems (manufactured technologically-advanced dental equipment). The firm's wide portfolio consists of dental consumables, lab products, CAD/CAM and imaging technology, medical devices, and specialty products in orthodontics, endodontics, and implantation. It distributes two-thirds of its dental consumables, technology and equipment through third-party distributors and the remaining portfolio is either sold to labs and offices through the firm's salesforce or directly to consumers (such as Byte clear aligner).
DENTSPLY Sirona Inc Management structure
All Gross Remunerations are in USD