291.8K XNAS Volume
XNAS 21 Mar, 2025 5:30 PM (EDT)
BioVie Inc Key Metrics
All financials are in USD Million and price data in USD
Not Eligible
Expensive Valuation
Technically Bearish
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42.1% Pass in checklist
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This stock has negative PE
BioVie Inc Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 1.1 (LTP) 1.11.2 LowHigh |
Week Price Range | 1.1 (LTP) 11.2 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 1.1 (LTP) 11.5 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 1.1 (LTP) 0.27.5 LowHigh |
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BioVie Inc Stock Analysis
BioVie Inc stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
BioVie Inc Metric | VALUE | CHANGE % | TREND | ANALYSIS | |
Annual Net Profit | $32.12 M | 36.09% | positive |
| |
Price to Earning Ratio | -0.85 | - | negative |
| |
Stock Price | $1.12 | 93.1% | positive |
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Quarterly Net profit | $7.11 M | 15.34% | positive |
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Debt to Equity Ratio | 0.39 | - | positive |
| |
Return on Equity(ROE) | -214.01 % | -214.01% | negative |
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Mutual Fund Holding | 4.61 % | 2.57% | positive |
| |
Promoter Share Holding | 7.89 % | 0% | neutral |
| |
Interest Coverage Ratio | -10.1 | - | negative |
| |
Institutional Holding | 9.68 % | 2.86% | positive |
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BioVie Inc - Company Profile
What does BioVie Inc do?
BioVie Inc is a clinical-stage company developing drug therapies to treat chronic debilitating conditions including liver disease and neurological and neuro-degenerative disorders and certain cancers. The Company is conducting a potentially pivotal Phase 3 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, multicenter study to evaluate NE3107 in patients who have mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. BIV201 has the potential to improve the health of thousands of patients suffering from life-threatening complications of liver cirrhosis due to hepatitis, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis and alcoholism.
BioVie Inc Management structure
All Gross Remunerations are in USD