460.5K XNAS Volume
XNAS 21 Mar, 2025 5:30 PM (EDT)
ArcBest Corp Key Metrics
All financials are in USD Million and price data in USD
Low Financial Strength
Mid Valuation
Technically Bearish
Weak Stock
These stocks are the ones with poor quality and weak financial and technical aspects. However, these stocks have a medium valuation score. This indicates that investors should be highly watchful with these stocks.
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ArcBest Corp Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 71.7 (LTP) 68.871.9 LowHigh |
Week Price Range | 71.7 (LTP) 68.876.4 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 71.7 (LTP) 68.888.6 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 71.7 (LTP) 68.8153.6 LowHigh |
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Revenue forecast
ArcBest Corp's Revenue was higher than average estimate 3 times in past 3 years
EPS forecast
Current EPS
Avg. Estimate
EPS is expected to reduce by 22.3% in FY25
Consensus Recommendation
14 ANALYST Recommendations
The consensus recommendation from 14 analysts for ArcBest Corp is BUY
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See what you get ArcBest Corp Stock Analysis
ArcBest Corp stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
ArcBest Corp Metric | VALUE | CHANGE % | TREND | ANALYSIS | |
Annual Revenue | $4,179.02 M | 5.61% | negative |
| |
Annual Net Profit | $173.96 M | 10.99% | negative |
| |
Price to Earning Ratio | 9.54 | - | positive |
| |
Stock Price | $71.66 | -48.13% | negative |
| |
Quarterly Revenue | $1,001.64 M | 8.07% | negative |
| |
Quarterly Net profit | $29.04 M | 40.49% | negative |
| |
Mutual Fund Holding | 85.40 % | 1.21% | positive |
| |
Promoter Share Holding | 1.33 % | 0.08% | positive |
| |
Institutional Holding | 101.82 % | 0% | neutral |
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ArcBest Corp - Company Profile
What does ArcBest Corp do?

ArcBest Corp is an integrated logistics company that leverages technology and a full suite of shipping and logistics solutions to meet customers' supply chain needs. The company has two reportable operating segments: Asset-Based, which generates maximum revenue, and Asset-Light. The Asset-Based segment's operations include national, inter-regional, and regional transportation of general commodities through standard, expedited, and guaranteed less-than-truckload services. The Asset-Light segment represents the company's offerings in ground expedite, intermodal, household goods moving, managed transportation, warehousing and distribution, and international freight transportation for air, ocean, and ground.
ArcBest Corp Management structure
All Gross Remunerations are in USD
ArcBest Corp Board of directors
All Gross Remunerations are in USD