13.3M XNYS Volume
XNYS 21 Mar, 2025 5:30 PM (EDT)
Dow Inc Key Metrics
All financials are in USD Million and price data in USD
Medium Financial Strength
Mid Valuation
Technically Neutral
Mid-range Performer
These stocks average quality, financial and technical aspects make them being considered by the investor who are not looking for high risk stocks.
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Dow Inc Stock Price Analysis
Day Price Range | 36.2 (LTP) 35.836.4 LowHigh |
Week Price Range | 36.2 (LTP) 35.837.8 LowHigh |
Month Price Range | 36.2 (LTP) 35.539.6 LowHigh |
52 Week Price Range | 36.2 (LTP) 35.560.7 LowHigh |
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Revenue forecast
Dow Inc's Revenue was lower than average estimate 2 times in past 3 years
EPS forecast
Current EPS
Avg. Estimate
EPS is expected to reduce by 1.9% in FY25
Consensus Recommendation
20 ANALYST Recommendations
The consensus recommendation from 20 analysts for Dow Inc is BUY
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See what you get Dow Inc Stock Analysis
Dow Inc stock analysis with key metrics, changes, and trends.
Dow Inc Metric | VALUE | CHANGE % | TREND | ANALYSIS | |
Annual Revenue | $42,964 M | 3.72% | negative |
| |
Annual Net Profit | $1,116 M | 89.47% | positive |
| |
Price to Earning Ratio | 22.87 | - | positive |
| |
Stock Price | $36.17 | -37.56% | negative |
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Quarterly Revenue | $10,405 M | 2.03% | negative |
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Quarterly Net profit | $53 M | 49.52% | positive |
| |
Debt to Equity Ratio | 1.02 | - | negative |
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Return on Equity(ROE) | 6.14 % | 6.14% | negative |
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Mutual Fund Holding | 48.65 % | -1.35% | negative |
| |
Promoter Share Holding | 0.16 % | 0.03% | positive |
| |
Interest Coverage Ratio | 2.97 | - | positive |
| |
Institutional Holding | 67.25 % | -5.15% | negative |
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Dow Inc - Company Profile
What does Dow Inc do?

Dow Inc is a diversified chemicals producer, formed in 2019 as a result of the DowDuPont merger and subsequent separations. The firm is a key producer of several chemicals, including polyethylene, ethylene oxide, and silicone rubber. Its products have numerous applications in both consumer and industrial end markets. The Company conducts its operations through six businesses, which are organized into segments, such as Packaging & Specialty Plastics, Industrial Intermediates &and Infrastructure and Performance Materials and Coatings. Packaging and Specialty.
Dow Inc Management structure
All Gross Remunerations are in USD
Dow Inc Board of directors
All Gross Remunerations are in USD